IRODDI Project brings a 36-month work near to a close with its final conference at EUBCE



IRODDI Project (Innovative Refining process for valorization of vegetable Oil Deodorizer DIstillates), funded by the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) under the European Union’s #Horizon2020 Research and Innovation programme, held its final conference on 8th June 2023 entitled ‘Valorization of by-products from vegetable oil refining in sustainable bio-based products‘.

This parallel event took place within the context of the 31st EUBCE – European Biomass Conference & Exhibition in Bologna (Italy), and gathered representatives from the 11 partners involved in the project, coming from four different countries: Spain, The Netherlands, France and Germany.

#IRODDI Project has been focused on the development of soft greener processes for obtaining bioproducts with specific properties derived from the FFAs contained in deodorization distillates (DODs), the side streams of deodorization processes. 

The conference, through four thematic sections, not only presented the highlights of the project as a whole but also the impacts and conclusions that each particular Work Package has come to. link  de IRODDI YouTube Channel

Linkedin : The article includes a summary of the conference as well as a link to the presentations used.

IRODDI YouTube Channel:


IRODDI Project