PHENOILS ends its second annuity successfully after investigate new extraction technologies to produce Healthier Extra Virgin Olive Oils

This procedure obtains extra virgin olive oils with higher polyphenols content, that enhancse its flavor and beneficial health effects.

PHENOILS has end its second annuity successfully, obtaining its main objective to find and test new extractive techniques to produce HPEVOOs, minor compounds responsible of the most benefits in health to the consumer.

PHENOILS, a project financed by EIT-FOOD (European Food Innovation Community), led by Acesur, and constituted in committee with the Institute of Fat (Spanish National Research Council CSIC), Fraunhofer Technological Center, University of Turin and the Portuguese company Energy Pulses Systems.

After development of first project´s annuity, the new selected extraction methodologies (ultrasound, electromagnetic pulses and both combined) have been tested both at high pilot scale as well as at industrial scale, in RIS countries Spain, Portugal and Italy, whose economies are closely related to olive sector.  These trials were carried out during 2021-2022 olive season, from October to December, with medium ripening stage olive fruits form Manzanilla cv. (Spain), Arbequina cv. (Portugal), and Coratina cv. (Italy).

Although the latest data are still being analyzed, very positive results have been obtained, both in terms of increasing oil yield and polyphenols content, in the initial characterization of the oils obtained with the two technologies and the combined technology. It is expected to successfully finish this second annuity in order to face industrial scale trials with the final selected technology in 2022´s annuity in new RIS countries.